
Here is a list of apps that are generally good to use and can come in handy in day to day tasks. The apps are separated into 4 broad categories Developer Tools, Productivity Tools, Office Apps and Other.

Development Tools

  • Google Chrome: Chrome is a developer friendly browser with powerful development tools built in to it.


  • Alfred: Replacement for spotlight. I'll mostly be upgrading to power pack.
  • AppCleaner: Uninstall apps.
  • Caffeine: Stops the machine from going into sleep mode.
  • Dropbox: File syncing to the cloud. It syncs files across all devices (laptop, mobile, tablet), and serves as a backup as well!
  • F.lux: f.lux makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day (If you are running macOS 10.12.4 or later there's native functionality called 'Night Shift' that does the same thing as f.lux, see System Preferences -> Displays -> Night Shift).
  • Google Drive: File syncing to the cloud too! Google Docs is a popular tool to collaborate with others.
  • Notebooks: Notebooks for Mac allows you to share files with the mobile versions of Notebooks on the iPad and iPhone. And you can write notes in markdown.
  • PDF Toolkit+: App to cut/split/merge pdfs easily. Really easy to use and works well.
  • Pocket: Save For Later. Put articles, videos or pretty much anything into Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.
  • Spectacle: Don't waste time resizing and moving your windows. Spectacle makes this very easy and is open source.
  • Timing: Keep track of the time you spend with your Mac.
  • Tomighty: A free desktop timer for the Pomodoro Technique.
  • Total Finder: Adds tabs and improves the Finder to a great deal.
  • Transmission: A fast, easy and free BitTorrent client.
  • Unarchiver: Compress/Uncompress app. Supported file formats include Zip, Tar-GZip, Tar-BZip2, RAR, 7-zip, LhA, StuffIt and many other old and obscure formats.


  • Asepsis: Get rid of the annoying DS_Store files. It stops them from being created anywhere on the system.
  • CheatSheet: Tap the command key for long to see all the keyboard shortcuts of the current app.
  • TimeOut: Scheduled work breaks to prevent stress injuries.
  • VLC: VLC Media Player. Enough said.
  • Voila: Record your screen with audio, mouse highlight and other features.

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